Scholarships for best students from Kosovo and Metohija

On 4 April 2013 Victoria Logistic, a member of Victoria Group, signed a contract on scholarships for three students of University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica. The company’s act was a response to the appeal from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Office organized a public contest through which 89 students were chosen as the best and were granted financial aid for the ongoing school year.
The contract was signed symbolically on the Day of Students, and the speakers on the ceremony were: Aleksandar Vulin, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija; Marko Đurić, advisor to the president of the Republic of Serbia, and bishop Teodosije from the Serbian Orthodox Church; while the company Victoria Logistic was represented by Natalija Kurjak, Relationship Marketing Manager in Victoria Group.