Sojaprotein at Tourism Fair together with Bečej municipality

At the 38th Tourism Fair, held in Belgrade between February 18 and 21, Bečej municipality presented its tourist offers at the exhibit stand of Destination Management Company Danube (DMC Danube). Local tourist and catering offers, gastronomy, culture, tradition, history, and sport were presented, and the emphasis was on a proper and healthy diet and its presence at the catering facilities in Bečej municipality, all under the motto “Feel the life by the river canal banks”.
As soybean usage in diet has numerous benefits, among which is the increased nutritional value of dishes, Sojaprotein participated in the promotion of Bečej municipality. It presented its assortment and delivered a multimedia company presentation, which was accompanied by various dishes prepared with soybean products for the fair visitors to taste and enjoy. Zorica Belić, Technology Coordinator for the use of soybean products at Sojaprotein, demonstrated the speed and simplicity of preparing meals made with soybeans. She especially emphasized the preparation of dishes with soybean products considering special dietary requirements of consumers.